Let’s launch your
outreach in 1 call

Over 1,000 companies found their dream customers with us. We’re here to fill your calendar up with qualified appointments. Just schedule a quick call to start as of tomorrow.

How we ensure quick start

How we ensure quick start

We keep only the most crucial launch stages, which takes us just 5 hours to start and 2 days to get the first results. Yet, we can speed up the process upon your request.

Kick-off call
Up to 30 minutes
The first call gives us basic understanding of your current outreach state, like what was already done, your ICP, VP, etc.
Campaign preparation
Up to 4 hours
Based on your data, we offer outreach strategy and start searching for relevant leads. Our content team prepares resonating sequences, while email deliverability experts set up tech side of your campaign.
Check up and launch
Up to 30 minutes
After your approval, we send the first wave of emails and start processing responses and booking appointments.

B2B sales agency

Our end goal is always delivering the best results for our customers. See what they have to say about Belkins.
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Check these
transformation cases

Here’s how businesses succeeded after switching to our lead generation services.

Read all cases

Calculate your ROI

Find out the approximate revenue and ROI you can achieve with Belkins based on the required number of leads and your average deal cost.

What kind of business do you target?
Your sales per year$1,200,000
Your yearly investments
Return on investment1,011%


What do you need on my side?

All we need from you is your ICP, value proposition, timely communication, and a bit of context about your previous activities. Besides, if you use a CRM system, we might need access there.

How do you ensure I get new opportunities fast?

Belkins experts get down to working on your outreach campaign as soon as we get basic data from you. We run several internal processes at a time to minimize delays.


Thus, if you already have an ICP and value proposition, we can launch the first emails in a few hours after your request. In most cases, highly qualified leads start coming from the first wave, which makes first appointments possible within the first week of our collaboration.

Won’t I lose active leads from the current vendor?

You won’t if this is specified in your agreement with them. On our side, we can continue working with the leads you already have. Also, we always secure your ownership of the leads we find for you in our contract.

Can I expect any immediate changes or improvements?

Depending on your niche and project specifics, you can see changes for better within a couple of weeks or months. Yet, we never promise instant results, as our end goal is quality in the long run. This is why we focus on long-term partnerships.

Need fast transition
from your previous vendor?

We know how to launch ROI-focused outreach in the shortest time.
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