
Belkins Email Authentication Update: Now BIMI-Verified


We’re proud to announce that our company received Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) certification, which means all the emails sent from are recognized as legitimate. 

Now, when you receive an email from Belkins, you'll see a blue tick mark next to our name, giving you instant peace of mind knowing it's really from us and not a spoofed address.

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The blue tick mark and logo signify the presence of a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) and it places our credibility alongside giants like Apple, CNN, LinkedIn, and others. 

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We are genuinely excited about this advancement in email authentication, and want to share with you the key information about why your organization should also consider getting one and what we’ve done to become BIMI-certified. 

Why Is This Security Update Worth Celebrating?

The verified mark brings advantages both for us and for people receiving emails from our domain: 

1. Improved Security: The Verified Mark Certificate gives our clients peace of mind knowing every email from Belkins is genuine and that we follow all the security standards protecting your personal information and sensitive data (otherwise, we couldn’t become BIMI-verified).

​​2. Enhanced Trust: The blue tick mark reassures our recipients that the email they received is indeed from the legitimate sender they expected. It enhances security and predicts that by opening an email, they will not become victims of fraudulent activities.

3. Our brand credibility: For us, this achievement helps to establish our brand authenticity and recognition, distinguishing our emails from potential impersonators and building trust with their audience.

4. Improved engagement rates: With the visual indicator of trust provided by the blue tick mark and logo, recipients of our emails can quickly identify our messages as legitimate, prioritize their attention, and confidently engage with our emails.

5. Being one step ahead of competitors: Although BIMI instantly boosts trust and is now officially supported by major ESPs like Google, as of June 2023, a mere 0.14% of the world's top domains leverage it. Therefore, by taking the initiative, we demonstrate that we set rather than follow trends and establish a more reliable digital environment. 

What We Did to Get BIMI

Foremost, to get the BIMI, you need to be an officially registered business that follows all the email compliance requirements and other security standards.  The Belkins team works hard to keep up with and enhance our privacy policies.

Also, as a business, we applied for a VMC (Verified Mark Certificate), which is proof that the logo is officially registered and owned by our company.

To get BIMI, you need to do everything in accordance with other technical rules, down to the smallest details. You can find the detailed step-by-step guide in Folderly’s article on What Is BIMI, which also has information about logo requirements, DNS setup, and getting VMC)

If you need assistance with any of the above, including a professional DNS setup, Folderly experts can consult you with that and any email deliverability issues you have. Feel free to sign up for a call to get a free 30-minute deliverability consultation.

What’s Next

This year, we at Belkins will continue working on security enhancements, so our clients can feel safe. We are committed to ensuring 100% security of our services and customer information.

Stay tuned for exciting updates as we continue to strengthen our security measures.