LinkedIn lead generation agency

Start getting deals from LinkedIn

We create tailored outreach campaigns to hook prospects and convert quality B2B leads from either your company or personal LinkedIn profile.


Get new opportunities
from LinkedIn regularly

with our complex LinkedIn outreach service
that solves your lead gen challenges.

Put your solution in front of actual decision-makers
We audit and update your profile, build a relevant network of ICP matches via personalized connection requests, and follow up with them to schedule appointments.
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Businesses that stand out with us

Check out how other companies power up their sales, increase brand awareness, and grow
their audiences through our LinkedIn lead generation services.

B2B sales agency

Belkins’ clients land more opportunities, achieve a 15% minimum closing rate, and become true LinkedIn influencers thanks to our tailored outreach.
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Get leads from LinkedIn

Seize the power of the largest professional network with Belkins.

200+Opportunities yearly
15%Deal closing rate
10:1ROI achieved

How LinkedIn lead
generation service works

Check out how we help you build meaningful relations
with your connections so they become your clients.
LinkedIn profile optimization

LinkedIn profile optimization

Fine-tuning your profile to build trust

  • First, we audit your profile and come up with a list of recommended improvements.

  • Then we upgrade all key sections that require a touch-up: Headline, About, Experience, Skills, etc.

  • Finally, we choose high-quality visuals, like a professional headshot and relevant cover photo, to create a positive first impression.

LinkedIn prospecting

LinkedIn prospecting

Attracting sales-ready leads to your pipeline

  • To get you in front of potential clients, we study your business and industry specifics to refine your ICP and develop a sophisticated outreach strategy.

  • We use advanced search and filtering tools to identify individuals within your ICP based on industry, job title, company size, and other relevant criteria.

  • Finally, we build a targeted list of potential clients to ensure you reach the right people.

Thought-leadership content

Thought-leadership content

Establishing your expertise and increasing your audience

  • We research your TAM and competitors and learn your ICP’s pain points to create a stellar content strategy and plan.

  • Our copywriters produce exclusive content that resonates with your audience and drives impressions, reactions, and reposts.

  • We track post performance and adjust the strategy to convert your followers into qualified leads.

LinkedIn outreach

LinkedIn outreach

Connecting and booking appointments with your prospects

  • We locate decision-makers who interact with your profile, qualify them, and send connection requests.

  • When they add you to their network, we drop them a short personalized welcome message, briefly describe your offer, and suggest an appointment.

  • If there’s no response, we launch a sequence of messages to remind how you can help and book a call with them.

What’s inside each package

We offer two packages or their combo to maximize your LinkedIn presence. For more details, contact our LinkedIn experts.

Connect & Outreach
Optimal plan to grow your network and convert connections into qualified leads.
Up to 20%Appointment rate boost
50+Additional opportunities per month
Perfect for building brand awareness and showcasing your expertise.
8Original posts with visuals per month
10,000–100,000Monthly views, based on your profile

Will our partnership bring results?

To meet and exceed your expectations, we focus only on things we can guarantee. Check these items to see if we make a good fit.

  • iconYour deals aren’t closing.
  • iconYou’re looking for an extra channel for lead generation.
  • iconYou want to facilitate your sales.
  • iconYou’re ready to invest into long-term relations with your leads.
  • iconYou want to establish your industry expertise.
  • iconYou need more people to know about your brand and services.
  • iconYou struggle to differentiate from your competitors.
  • iconYou’re against increasing your audience artificially.

Your dedicated
B2B appointment setters

Meet the team behind making your appointments happen.


What do I get from LinkedIn sales lead generation by Belkins?

It’s a special service that amplifies your outreach impact by connecting with the right people and sending them tailored messages aligned with your value proposition. This is how we expand your professional network and nurture these new leads down the sales funnel.

What is included in the preparation stage?

First, we revise your online presence and social media activity. Second, we study your company’s goals, market, product, and competitors to draft a strategy. Finally, we research your tone of voice and communication style, refine it if necessary, and start the creative process.

Is this all about social media marketing?

Not really. As a LinkedIn prospecting agency, we aim to generate qualified sales leads for you. We can also manage your profile and fill it with helpful and valuable B2B content. This increases your company’s online presence, boosts your brand awareness, educates your target audience, and warms up your prospects for sales communication.

Ultimately, it helps us get in touch with your potential clients, crafting and sending them appealing messages on your behalf. We then nurture the most interested prospects and schedule a meeting so you can close the deal.

Ready to start getting clients?

Set up a brief meeting with one of our experts to facilitate your business growth.
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