B2B cold email marketing agency

Tailored outreach that turns
into “Yes”

We’re your go-to partner for steady lead generation through hand-crafted, consistently successful cold email outreach sequences.


Opportunities-focused outreach

Our cold email services go way beyond one-size-fits-all solutions,
helping you solve the most painful sales challenges.

Let’s increase your lead-to-appointment ratio
We boost engagement from cold outreach by crafting highly personalized email campaigns that generate up to 200 opportunities yearly.
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Our clients’ stories

We measure our progress by our clients’ victories. Here are a few of them.

B2B sales agency

Having been recognized as the top partner for years is our greatest achievement, no doubt. Check out our clients’ testimonials to see how we boosted their revenue.
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Want outreach that converts?

Let’s discuss launching high-performing campaigns.

200Opportunities yearly
>30%Reply rates
15%Deal closing rate

How we work

Results-oriented lead generation takes
skill and teamwork. Take a look at our process.
Deliverability audit and tech setup

Deliverability audit and tech setup

Analyzing current situation and configuring infrastructure

  • We analyze your outreach history, database quality, email templates, and follow-up tactics to identify areas for improvement.

  • Our tech specialists assess your domain reputation and determine affecting factors. They analyze domain zone risks and recommend an alternative domain if needed.

  • Finally, we set up DNS, create mailboxes, and send emails in small batches to prepare for mass campaigns.

Personalized outreach campaigns

Personalized outreach campaigns

Developing and delivering personalized templates

  • Our writers craft catchy emails tailored to your ICP and prospects’ pain points. Sequences consist of 1 intro message and at least 4 follow-ups.

  • Our SDRs fine-tune profiles for mailboxes and start sending bulk emails to select leads on your behalf.

  • We track replies, send canned responses, and lead prospects down the funnel to connect them with your sales team.

Tracking and A/B testing

Tracking and A/B testing

Monitoring cadence performance and testing approaches

  • Our delivery team closely monitors each campaign’s KPIs and reports the results to you.

  • We also conduct A/B testing of email templates and approaches, identifying the most effective ones to lift reply rates and secure more appointments.

  • Our tech experts also keep their finger on the pulse of the sequences and quickly eliminate spam issues.

Packages you can choose from

Let’s discuss details and choose an optimal number of opportunities you need to enrich your pipeline and boost your sales.

By integrating email outreach, intent calling, and LinkedIn lead gen, we keep your business top-of-mind, securing a predictable flow of meetings.
200+Booked appointments yearly
Up to 20,000Curated leads yearly
Omnichannel Plus
Increased team, faster scaling, and a wider range of channels. Perfect for companies with vast TAM and solid lead management capacity.
400+Booked appointments yearly
Up to 50,000Curated leads yearly

Are we your ideal partner?

Choosing a cold outreach agency is the matter of the highest responsibility. Find out whether our offer and your expectations synergize.

  • iconYou ran email outreach before, but it didn’t bring expected results
  • iconYour cold emails keep landing spam folders
  • iconYour open and reply rates remain fairly poor
  • iconYou don’t know how to present your value proposition
  • iconYou don’t have resources to hire and educate new sales team
  • iconYou have issues in targeting gatekeepers
  • iconYou long for predictable growth and rich pipeline

Your dedicated
B2B matchmakers

Meet the team behind making your appointments happen.


Do you validate the emails before launching an outreach campaign?

Absolutely. Our research team uses several tools to verify email addresses, names, positions, and other important data.

How many emails can you send monthly?

It depends, and the number of influencing factors is pretty extensive. For some projects, Belkins’ SDRs can send over 10K emails per month, while for others, this indicator can be 2–3 times lower because of the goals, ICP, market peculiarities, domain restrictions, budgets, etc.

Does Belkins handle lead responses via email?

Of course. Our SDRs reply manually and manage all the responses. On top of that, they develop different scenarios and craft canned responses for the most common questions and requests together with our writing team.

I need multiple email campaigns for different titles. Can you do that?

No problem. If you need to reach out to multiple audiences, we will craft messages and develop approaches for each.

Where do you get the prospects’ email?

Our teams use lead research tools that legally provide actual information. They also use open sources, verifying and double-checking them afterward.

When will I see the first results?

In the first two weeks, we provide you with a batch of pilot leads and see how they perform. By the end of the first month, you can expect your campaign to be going full steam ahead, yielding first appointments.

Ready to start getting clients?

Set up a brief meeting with one of the Belkins experts to facilitate your business growth.
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