Outsourced SDR services

Close deals with outsourced SDRs for one-fourth the investment

Save your in-house team time on internal processes while we take care of sales scaling in a matter of weeks.


Optimize your sales process with our SDR agency

Overcome your challenges without adding overhead.

Focus on closing deals while we do the heavy lifting
Trade the hiring hassle, increased overhead, and complex internal processes for streamlined sales and a steady flow of opportunities. From lead discovery to booking appointments, we handle everything so your team can focus solely on sales.
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Clients who elevated
sales performance with our SDRs

Check out success stories from businesses that outsourced their lead generation to us.

B2B sales agency

See what others are saying about Belkins’ B2B lead generation services and how we helped hack their growth.
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Scale your business with
minimal resources invested

Book a meeting with our sales experts to discuss our partnership.

How our SDR services work

We’ve fine-tuned our process to get the most out of targeting, qualifying, and nurturing your leads.
Market analysis

Market analysis

Precision targeting through deep insights

  • We analyze your market, TAM, and competitors, identifying prospects’ key pain points and your products’ or services’ unique selling points.

  • For super-targeted outreach, we either draft a new ICP or refine your existing one.

  • Next, we evaluate your prospects’ digital presence, including social media and websites.

  • If you need lead research and qualification, our SDR team verifies each lead against specific parameters to guarantee quality and relevance.

  • Ultimately, we develop unique value propositions for selected client profiles to precisely address potential demand.

Team onboarding and alignment

Team onboarding and alignment

Unified team dynamics for collaborative success

  • Focusing on your business’s specific needs and challenges, we select SDRs to match with your in-house team.

  • First, we streamline and automate your sales processes, starting with HubSpot CRM integration.

  • We examine your existing sales workflow and make necessary adjustments to eliminate bottlenecks.

  • Afterward, we reengage with untouched prospects in your CRM, refreshing your pipeline for new outreach efforts.

Email campaigns launch

Email campaigns launch

Personalized outreach with strategic testing

  • In collaboration with our content experts, we craft personalized email campaigns that resonate with each ICP group.

  • Our email deliverability experts take care of your domain configurations to avoid spam filters, ensure optimal deliverability, and protect your reputation.

  • We design a custom outreach strategy, utilizing email and LinkedIn for personalized engagement.

  • Via A/B tests, we fine-tune our approach based on real-time feedback and results.

Performance tracking and adjustment

Performance tracking and adjustment

Data-driven insights for continuous improvement

  • After initial campaigns, we analyze deliverability, engagement, and KPIs to measure success and areas for growth.

  • To refine outreach strategies based on campaign results, we enhance value prop and ICP targeting.

  • Processing each response manually allows us to further refine messaging and targeting.

Appointment setting

Appointment setting

Efficient scheduling to maximize engagement opportunities

  • We send invitations after confirming a mutually convenient time with the prospect.

  • Our SDRs send reminders before each meeting to minimize no-shows.

  • In case of a no-show, we reengage with the person to reschedule the appointment and maximize every opportunity for successful conversion.


Are we a good fit?

This checklist will help you decide if Belkins is the right outsourced SDR company for you:

  • iconYou need to shorten your long sales cycle.
  • iconYou’re seeking a cost-effective way to amplify lead generation.
  • iconYou aim for scalable and resilient sales processes.
  • iconYou want to focus on closing deals while experts handle lead generation.
  • iconYou want to skip the hassle of hiring and training in-house SDRs.
  • iconYou value continuous improvement and data-driven sales approaches.
  • iconYou’re looking for a strategic sales partner, not just another vendor.
  • iconYour current strategies aren’t delivering the ROI you expect.


How do your outsourced SDR services integrate with our existing sales team?

Our SDRs seamlessly integrate with your team by aligning with your sales strategies, tools, and goals. We ensure constant communication and collaboration to act as an extension of your team, not just an external service.

How do you measure success and ROI?

Success is measured through clear, agreed-upon KPIs, including booked appointments, lead quality, conversion rates, sales cycle length, and overall ROI. We provide regular, transparent reports to track progress and adjust strategies as needed.

What is your process for onboarding new clients?

Our onboarding process is designed to help us fully understand your team, business, product, sales goals, and challenges. It includes an initial consultation, strategy development sessions, and integration planning to ensure a smooth transition and immediate impact.

How many SDRs can be assigned to my project?

Usually, 1 to 2 dedicated SDRs depending on the size of your business, the details of your project, and your targeted goals. We can discuss your needs and assign as many people as you need. To enhance the effectiveness and reach of your project, we also involve content writers, lead researchers, and email deliverability specialists in the process.

Let’s discuss your project

Jump on a call with our experts to facilitate your business growth.
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