
Lead generation for smart apartment technology for multifamily property

A successful turnaround: scheduling 35 meetings for a smart home solutions company in just 3 months

  • 35appointments booked in 3 months
  • 107%avg. KPI achieved
CategoryAppointment Setting
HeadquartersAnaheim, California
Company size11-50 employees

About Arize

Arize is a growing company specializing in the Smart Home Solutions field. The brand aims at helping people secure and modernize their houses with devices that significantly improve life quality. The innovative solutions that the company offers can completely revolutionize the smart homes' niche. 

Situated in Anaheim, CA, USA, Arize aims at widening the horizons and boosting sales in the industry. Being inexperienced in the area of marketing and productive email outreach, Arize hired Belkins team to assist in raising brand awareness and resolve a few other issues. 


Arize has unique and effective home security solution devices and software, yet their sales recently hit a particular wall. There were a few issues that the brand was facing that needed to be addressed.

  1. Product awareness. No matter the practicality of the innovative home solutions, the range of prospects interested in it was low. Thus, one of the key points that Belkins experts were faced with was to boost brand awareness. A quality solution to the matter would trigger a sales boost as a consequence.
  2. Value of the product. While it seems that the services on offer remain unchanged, so should remain the advertising and product representing approaches. Yet, each sales campaign lacked a personalized and unique approach.
  3. Expanded ICP. The customer profile that the company had was too impersonal and overstuffed with unnecessary details. The brand preached to all but got a few interested leads.
  4. Sales templates. “The more – the better” was Arize's approach to their email templates, and Belkins had to work in that direction, too.
  5. General partnership skepticism. Since it was the primary cooperation with an outsourced vendor, the company's representatives were quite skeptical about each method and approach presented by the team.

What we did

Even though the list of matters to solve professionally was more than extensive, the Belkins team managed to deal with it in about 3 months. Here's what we did:

Finding compromise

During our partnership with Arize, the Belkins team was assigned to team up with various brand representatives from different departments. Such cooperation ensured that finding compromise was crucial, especially to fulfill the set goals and achieve expected success. Thus, all the solutions, and remarks suggested by the company, were considered and implemented in the process equally with our experts' ideas. The reps were given a detailed report as to why a certain strategy or campaign failed or showed positive results so that we could agree on a single result-oriented approach.

Market investigation

Since the quality of their products was supreme, Arize initially chose a broad audience to sell to. Yet, their ICP was too wide to cover the exact category of clients who could bring unobstructed income. What we did was the market investigation on the deepest level to point out two primary types of prospects who were genuinely curious about the product and needed it most. These were developers and architects.

Template development

With the Belkins lead base at hand, we had a chance to test our templates thoroughly. Aside from the templates being shortened, we experimented with the content. Instead of coming up with a single template fit for all, we gathered a variety of those to make every potential customer feel valued and unique.

Campaign development

Once the common ground and primary market directions were established, we launched a number of campaigns to grasp as many possibilities as we could.

Campaign 1

Despite the generated data, it's been quite unclear as to whom in the targeted company we have to reach out to, in order to trigger interest and further cooperation. That is where we launched referral campaigns with updated templates. While Arize suggested putting as much product info into the template as possible, to advertise the quality of their services, we had cut it significantly, leaving the VP as the primary trigger. Besides, we chose to reach out to C-level reps in the first place so that they forwarded us straight to the decision-makers.

Campaign 2

Since the division between the groups of potential prospects was evident now, we reached out to property developers. The main idea was to point out how Arize smart home solutions can add value to their projects and help them sell twice as quickly.

Campaign 3

Another group of interested people would be the architects. We customized our referrals to each target, too. It was suggested that the devices on sale could be implemented into the project during the very creation stage.

Main challenges we faced

Despite the professional qualities of our team, some issues made us stumble on the road to success.

  • Target audience. One of the common features of the products that Arize offers is that it is limited to living apartments only. The matter has narrowed down the project's scope.
  • Template vision. It has been mentioned a few times already that the vision the company has on their templates differed significantly from what Belkins offered. The brand wanted to emphasize the unique characteristics and versatility of their services, while a load of details would leave most prospects uninterested.
  • Broad niche. Filtering the market of property managing companies was a significant obstacle to deal with effectively.

  • 25appointments scheduled in 3 months
  • 50%appointment rate growth
  • 85%cold email open rate

No matter the differences in the marketing approach that we initially faced, the achievements of the team speak for themselves:

  • 35 quality appointments
  • Enhanced insight on marketing strategies that are success-programmed
  • Precise data analysis that will be of great help with future campaigns
  • +60% open rate from quality leads
  • +26% reply rate from potential customers.

Key takeaways

  1. Define the ICP. Some companies don't realize the simple fact that no matter the quality of their service, the effort will go to waste if you offer it to the wrong audience. It's crucial to outline the prospect who'd use the product to their ultimate advantage. Don't be afraid to be overly zealous and specific when it comes to the part. The more details you have at hand, the easier it will be to craft a productive and success-oriented customer profile.
  2. Experiment with the email template. While the main aim of a cold email is to trigger the recipient's attention, it needs to be peculiar enough to hold it and make the reader reply. Thus, sending out the same email to the widest customer base you have at hand would be a doomed strategy. It helps to slightly personalize each email to indicate your care and genuine drive to assist the client in solving any outlined issue.
  3. Polish your strategies. The fact that the current strategy in use seems to be effective does not mean that it will remain so. You should be ready to seek new ways to bring in more prospects into the pull. Taking small steps at a time is vital.
  4. Explore new horizons. Even the most dynamic field always has new niches being added to the scene. Besides, you can always venture out and expand your company outside your location. The constant research for new horizons to cover should never cease.
  5. Involve all possible expert help. With a small team, you can't afford to push your reps to the point of utter exhaustion. You could, but the outcome won't be the one you seek. To keep the team healthy and motivated, you can always hire new in-house experts to assist. Yet, the solution would turn out to be costly, and if your budget is tight, the option is not actually acceptable. This is where outsourcing is of great use. Once you come across a reliable outsourcing team, you can spread the load evenly over all the reps involved. Besides, in the majority of cases, the experts from outsourced teams have a lot of knowledge and experience, let alone a fresh insight on the brand to share and benefit from later.
  • Reading duration10 min
  • Published1 Feb 2022
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