
Did you know it's National Email Day?


Did you know today is National Email Day? We at Belkins celebrate this day alongside ZeroBounce, the initiators of this global holiday.

Why does it matter to us? Email outreach remains a game-changer in lead generation, with 4+ billion email users today! That’s why we are true ambassadors of this communication channel and leverage email's power to connect with prospects and build winning strategies for Belkins’ clients.

On this special day, we've decided to share some powerful insights, stats, and fun facts with you ;-)

Key 2023 email statistics

The lowest open rate (34.9%) and the lowest reply rate (6.5%) occurred on Monday. 

Recipients are more likely 
to open cold emails
2 PM and 4 PM.

There were an estimated 347.3 billion e-mails sent and received daily around the 
world in 2023. 

There are 4 billion daily
email users. 

Contacting between 2 and 4 people within the same company results in the highest reply rate of above 7%. 

The average email click-through rate is 2.6-3%. 


Insightful resources to explore

B2B cold email outreach benchmarks

Uncover key benchmarks and insights to skyrocket your email response rates and drive unprecedented engagement with your prospects. The research is based on the 11 million emails sent across 90+ industries.

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Proven tips & best practices to improve email deliverability in 2024

Check these uncommon and less-known tips and practices (tested and proven by Folderly deliverability experts) to improve email deliverability.  

Personalized cold email examples and best practices

Get real-life examples of how to personalize cold emails. Plus, explore what is hyper-personalized cold outreach and why cold email campaigns tend to fail.

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11 Best Email Deliverability Tools Reviewed and Compared

A candid take on popular email deliverability platforms’ and tools’ features, strengths, weaknesses, and pricing plans.

Tools to boost your email deliverability

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The only solution that REALLY boosts deliverability to 99.99% with full-cycle tech setup, human-like approach, and real-time content optimization.
Inbox Insights

A new tool on the market that offers a comprehensive approach to testing email deliverability, checking placement across every major ESP, and seeing spam reasons.

Our most open subject lines

  • Lunch and demo for [Company’s Name]

  • Featuring [Company’s Name] in USA Today

  • Video production: you or [Referral’s Name]?

  • Are you still with [Company’s Name], [First Name]?

The funniest email we received at Belkins

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And, finally, a random thematic meme to finish this holiday post:

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