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What makes a winning B2B sales pitch? 7 examples

Jenny Romanchuk
Jenny Romanchuk
Brian Hicks
Reviewed by
Brian Hicks
Reading time:13 m

No one is born a sales rock star. Every good sales rep struggles at some point to create a successful sales pitch that will bring them customers. This pain occurs at every stage of a sales pipeline: prospecting, discovery call, pitch, and proposal.

At Belkins, we’ve generated around $10 million in 5 years from more than 10,000 sales calls using the tips we’re about to share. So if you’re currently refining your sales pitch, try these professional suggestions from our Belkins experts on how to win the hearts and minds of your prospects.

Good vs. bad sales pitches

With sales pitches, there’s a fine line between a slam dunk and a total flop. Using “weasel words” or “we” statements can cost you a deal. To help you stay on the winning side, we’ve put together a handy table that breaks down the do’s and don’ts of sales pitches. 

Criteria Bad sales pitch Good sales pitch
Relevance Misses the mark, talks at the prospect Tailored to the prospect’s needs and pain points
Clarity Confusing, loaded with jargon and buzzwords Clear, concise, and easy to understand
Engagement One-way communication, ignores feedback, little to no listening Interactive, encourages dialogue, pauses; SE actively listens and responds to feedback
Credibility Overpromises, lacks evidence or testimonials Backed by data, case studies, and testimonials
Value Focuses on features, not benefits Emphasizes benefits and ROI for the prospect
Duration Too long (over 10 minutes of continuous pitching), the prospect loses interest Brief yet comprehensive, respects the prospect’s time

Example of a bad sales pitch

“Thanks for meeting with me today. Let me dive right in — our tool has the latest features. We’ve got AI integration, cloud connectivity ... you name it, we’ve got it. This tool is a game-changer in the industry. I’m sure you’ll find it impressive.”

Why it’s bad: 

  • It’s uninformative.
  • It preaches something intangible.
  • It’s about the product, not the prospect.

Example of a good sales pitch

“I understand your goal is to improve team efficiency as you scale. Our [feature] aligns perfectly with this. For instance, ABC Corp, a similar-sized company, saw a 30% boost in productivity after implementation. I’ll send you a link to the case study. The tool is user-friendly and enhances team collaboration, so worry not about the steep learning curve you’ve mentioned. Let’s walk you through how it can specifically address your current challenges?”

Why it’s good: 

  • It speaks to the prospect’s pain points. 
  • It’s straightforward. 
  • It includes proven data and a relevant case study.

Now, we’ll take you through winning B2B sales pitch examples. Buckle up!

7 sales pitch examples for B2B to supercharge your win rate

One of the key sales job requirements is creating a great B2B sales pitch that connects with your audience on a personal level, weaving in selling points. Let’s explore how to make your pitches not just heard, but felt.

1. Build a connection to make your prospects eagerly engage in the dialogue 

The goal is to break the ice in a way that feels personal and engaging. It’s not enough to exchange pleasantries before diving into a sales pitch. Formal and impersonal approaches lead to boredom and disconnect. Instead, create a genuine connection right from the get-go, naming shared traits, common colleges, or mutual interests. 

Yes, you’ve got to do some legwork here, but the numbers speak for themselves. For instance, when salespeople mention their alma mater, the win rate increases by up to 20%. The larger the deal, the higher the impact on win rate.

Gong’s study on alma mater mentions in sales pitches: the impact on win rates.

Sales pitch example:

“Good morning, Joe! 

Let me call it right there. I’ve gotten acquainted with your recent eco-friendly modular designs — and our company specializes in eco-efficient materials that amplify the environmental friendliness of such houses. I have a feeling we’re going to have a great discussion today, even if you initially reached out to us for something else.”

📌 Belkins tip: Adopt the SPIN method to build rapport and make prospective customers reveal their true motivations and concerns.

2. Personalize your pitch to show you care about your clients

Personalizing your pitch means stepping into your prospective client’s shoes. Understand their unique challenges, goals, and values, and then tailor your message to speak directly to those. Show that you’re not just selling a product or service; you’re offering a solution that’s been thoughtfully crafted for them, and you have the track record to prove it.

Sales pitch example:

Let’s take the same company specializing in modular home manufacturing. Here’s how you can personalize the sales pitch:

“So, you’re looking for someone who aids with the environmental issues by taking real actions. I hear you, and I have a great example of how we’ve recently worked with ABC Builders (mention a case study) and helped them reduce their carbon footprint by 20% while maintaining cost-efficiency. 

I’d love to explore how we can help you achieve similar results. Shall we discuss how our materials can complement your upcoming projects and sustainability goals?”

It works because in B2B contexts, solutions must be tailored to each client’s values and needs. The pitch highlights how the product can help clients achieve their goals, emphasizing a commitment to the cause rather than a transaction. This aligns with the B2B focus on long-term relationships and strategic partnerships.

3. Start with a bang to intrigue your prospects

They say you never get a second chance to make an excellent first impression, and for good reason: Judgment begins the moment you open the door. All you have is 7 seconds — this is how much it takes to make an impression.

And it’s not just about what you say; your nonverbal cues (e.g., body language, tone of voice) play a major role in how you’re perceived. 

When crafting your opener, you have a couple of strategy options:

Intriguing openers: These are designed to pique interest without revealing too much. An opener like “Good morning! How are you?” is simple yet lacking zest. Notch up the intrigue. For instance: “I noticed your company is making waves with [recent accomplishment]. Let’s boost your success even further.”

Direct openers: Here, you lay your cards on the table immediately. It’s about offering value up front. For example: “Hi, my name is Will. I’m from Powertech company, and I see you’re dealing with [problem]. I happen to know how to help you with [specific problem].” 

The trick is that it’s free information you’re giving away. 

4. Use hard data and numbers to relieve concerns

At Belkins, we developed an ROI calculator that shows whether cold outreach is your way to go. It calculates the approximate ROI and income your outsourced appointment setting can achieve.

If a prospect is of 2 minds regarding the budget allotment, we open this calculator right during the sales meeting and forecast potential income. Since calculations are based on annual contract value, the close ratio, and industry, seeing the numbers eases budget concerns and reinforces credibility. 

Belkins’ appointment-setting ROI calculator reassures prospective customers and helps us win more deals

Write down how your solutions or services impact your clients’ businesses and think of a way to digitize it. Could be calculators, price-comparison tools, case studies, etc.

📚 Relevant reading: How to close a sales pitch — an exhaustive guide for sales reps.

5. Target the pain to make prospects feel heard

One of the most common sales pitch mistakes is discussing the features and benefits of your product or service. This is the quickest way to get someone to tune out and start thinking about the duties they’ll have to perform. Instead, inquire about how they are currently dealing with their situation, how that works for them, and what they would change.

Sales pitch example:

Imagine you’re pitching to a company struggling with inefficient project-management processes.

“Gotcha. Your main goal is to manage multiple projects. I’m curious … How are your teams currently handling project coordination? Are there any specific bottlenecks or challenges you’re facing? For instance, many of our clients expressed frustration over scattered communication and missed deadlines before they switched to our integrated project-management platform.”

This approach shows you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in understanding and solving their specific problems. By targeting the pain points directly, you make the prospect feel heard and open the door to a more productive and solution-focused conversation.

6. Draw a parallel between you and your client to set the stage

The idea is to reveal that because you use your own products or services, you understand the importance of figures and pain points. Simply put, you walk the talk. 

Offer a transparent dialogue and next steps if your services are a great fit.

Sales pitch example:

“Such a pleasure to connect with a colleague who shares similar values and challenges. I’ve been working with eco-efficient materials for 2 years now, so I’m pretty familiar with the nuts and bolts of your building process. How about we lay out all the details, and I’ll guide you through each of your options?”

7. Insert videos to appeal to emotions

We’ve included this email-specific tip because custom-recorded videos drive response rates as high as 63%. But beware that emotions do not work as well for some formal industries, so think carefully about integrating videos into cold sales pitches or follow-ups.

Jason Dhami, Mid Market Account Executive at Attentive, told Vidyard when he was a BDR at Dooly:

"We attained a 3% to 5% response rate, which wasn’t going to cut it. We decided to run a test. I would use video in all my outreach for a week to test the results. … With video, you have the ability to tell a powerful, unique story. You can’t fake it; the prospect knows it’s made specifically for them."

The result? Including video achieved a 5-times-higher response rate across all personas.

7 B2B sales pitch best practices and tips from salespeople in the trenches

Every great B2B sales pitch sticks to a set of psychological rules. You name the price too early, within the first 15 minutes, and there’s a 50% chance you lose the deal. Successful reps talk price later in their calls, around 38–46 minutes, after establishing value.

Scroll down for more tips.

1. Make your prospect speak more than you

Ever heard the saying “You have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you speak”? Well, it’s gold in sales. Your prospect’s words are a treasure trove of information — if you’re actually listening.

  • Encourage them to open up by using open-ended questions. These aren’t just yes or no questions. They’re ones that get your prospect talking about their needs, challenges, and goals.
  • Balance the conversation. It’s like a dance. Sometimes you lead, and other times you follow. Let the prospect guide the conversation to topics they find important.
  • Pick up on cues. What’s unsaid is just as important as what’s said. Pay attention to nonverbal cues and the subtext in their responses.
  • Avoid monologues. You’re not giving a lecture; you’re having a conversation. Keep your explanations short and sweet, focusing on value and relevance.
  • Summarize and clarify. Before you dive into your pitch, summarize what they’ve said. This shows you’ve listened and clarifies any misunderstandings right off the bat.

2. Simplify the complex

In B2B, we often deal with complex products and services packed with sophisticated features and data. But here’s the thing: Complexity can be a conversation killer. Your goal? Make the complex simple:

  • Use everyday language. 
  • Drop the jargon. 
  • Analogize complex ideas to familiar concepts.

3. Add the human element

One of the finest ways to draw a prospect’s full attention is by relieving tension and forging a sense of trust. There are undoubtedly multiple ways of doing this, like making a joke or mentioning a famous relevant quote. But don’t discount the power of a personal (but not prying) question. Begin your sales pitch with a hook.

For instance:

  • “I couldn’t help noticing that you’re a fan of [hobby or interest]?”
  • “Would you like to boost your income by [real number range]?”
  • “Can’t believe you’re also [shared personal feature or detail]!”
  • “I read a comment about that [specific campaign] you did, and I really admire your work!”

4. Exude confidence

If you don’t radiate a high level of confidence, the prospect might think, “Well, this person seems unconfident. If they don’t believe in their own product, why should I?” Mind your tone of voice, body language, and level of enthusiasm.

5. Pause during the pitch

Intentional pauses during your pitch can significantly impact your prospect’s engagement and decision-making. For example, top reps pause for 2.1 seconds after stating their price. Use this tactic to create space for reflection, questions, and real-time comparisons. Don’t be intimidated by silence, as average sales reps pause only for 0.9 seconds.

Also, pause after making a key point. Just dropped a major benefit or feature? Pause. Let it sink in. Bolster the effect by asking, “How do you do that now?” And wait for them to answer.

Effective questions to ask during a pause:

  • “How does what I’ve just described align with your current processes?”
  • “Can you see this solution fitting into your existing workflow?”
  • “What are your thoughts on how this could impact your day-to-day operations?”
  • “How does this compare to the methods you’re currently using?”
  • “Do you have any concerns or questions about how this would integrate into your system?”

When prospects start to think about your solution in the context of their own needs, it fosters a sense of ownership and familiarity. Further, it leads to a moment of realization for the prospect, where the value of your solution becomes clear, nudging them toward a decision.

6. Use a call to action to direct the prospect toward a purchase

You’ve piqued their interest, addressed their needs, and demonstrated your solution’s value. Now it’s time to steer them toward taking action with a clear call to action (CTA).

This can vary from suggesting a free trial to proposing a follow-up call. Here are some effective ways to phrase your CTA:

  • “Would Monday work for a 20-minute call to discuss this further?”
  • “How about we schedule a Zoom meeting next week to dive into the details?”

For leads who seem hesitant, frame your CTA as questions that naturally lean toward a yes.

  • “Would you prefer to discuss the details over the phone or in person?” Here you create an illusion of choice.
  • “What time should we contact you tomorrow to talk about our cooperation?” This question states that you will contact them either way, and they just have to pick the time.

7. Tell a story

A good sales pitch in this technique uses a special formula to convey the necessity of buying your products and services without persuading the prospect to do so. The formula is based on 3 pillars: telling, offering, and establishing, or TOE:

  • Telling a client about a situation from your own life that could actually happen to them as well
  • Offering your product as the solution
  • Establishing your company as a unique expert by name-dropping the firm’s title

Sales pitch example:

“Six months ago, we had a client who had the same objectives and issues — their lead generation simply didn’t work. New clients weren’t coming in, and they were basically on the verge of closing their business. That’s when they encountered Belkins and decided to pilot with us for 3 months. 

We quickly realized where the problem lay and outlined the next steps. By the way, the issue was in a misleading ICP and, therefore, a lack of personalization tailored to specific roles and their struggles. I have to give credit to their sales reps. Real pros who partnered with us on every step. In the end, we closed a $100,000 deal and recovered the company. I’ll link to their case study if you like.”

Weave your product or service into a narrative that resonates with your prospect. It makes them “try on” the main character of the plot and realize the value of your services.

Bonus tips on how to improve your sales pitch

Here are 5 best practices to refine your sales pitch:

  • Record yourself. Practice and review your pitch by recording it. This helps identify areas for improvement in delivery, tone, and content.
  • Seek feedback from colleagues. Get constructive criticism from your peers. They can offer valuable insights from different perspectives.
  • Use sales engagement platforms like Gong. These platforms provide analytics and insights on your pitch effectiveness, missed points, sentiment, customer interactions, and more.
  • Stay up to date on industry trends. Knowing your industry helps tailor your pitch and break the ice.
  • Keep learning and adapting. Regularly update your skills and knowledge. Attend workshops, webinars, or courses to stay sharp and effective in your pitching technique. Use online simulators like Second Nature to rehearse your pitch.

Now armed with the insights to craft a winning sales pitch, it’s time to put theory into practice. Let Belkins handle the pre-sales legwork — sourcing ready-to-buy leads and filling your calendar with qualified appointments. With us at your side, focus on nurturing and closing those cherished deals with a perfect sales pitch. Elevate your success effortlessly.

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Jenny Romanchuk
Jenny Romanchuk
B2B Copywriter
Jenny is a freelance B2B writer with over 6 years of hands-on experience in content marketing & sales for B2B SaaS. Besides Belkins, she writes for HubSpot, MarTech, Smartlook, and Userpilot.
Brian Hicks
Brian Hicks
VP of Sales at Belkins
Brian is a recognized professional with 15 years of experience in relationship-based sales and management. He built teams and implemented sales processes in startups and Fortune 500 companies across numerous industries.